What is an optical illusion?

appropriately known as visual illusions, involves visual deception. Due to the arrangement of images, the effect of colours, the impact of light source or other variables, a wide range of misleading visual effects can be seen.

 Optical illusions, or visual illusions, are defined “the dissociation between the physical reality and the subjective perception of an object or event.” When we experience an optical illusion, we often see something that is not there or fail to see something that is there.  

Most of the time, the story our brains generate matches the real, physical world — but not always. Our brains also unconsciously bend our perception of reality to meet our desires or expectations. And they fill in gaps using our past experiences. 

In a way, dance is an optical illusion itself, the dancers job is to play with human perception through movement. They perform movements that are not performed on a daily basis, these movements often involve a lot of specific technique and usually quite difficult; their job is also to make these unusual and difficult movements appear easy, this is when they deceive the viewers. They find ways to link the movements together, creating some sort of harmony. This to me is a type of optical illusion.
